Technical services

We deisgn, develop, execute, locate & integerate your software solutions, expanding our platforms to meet your institution's unique need and to give you powerful, easy to use solutions to help you delvier greater results and accomplish goal.

The structural need for any business to robust its activity : Technical services

Custom Innovation

The ability to expand your systems, to match your strategy and learners experience is simply powerful. Our custom development team provide support across your technology eco-system.

Execution & Intergeration Consulting

With a proper plan and well-defined development layout, our team will work with you on infrastructure of your platform, reporting, data integration & perfromance testing across our software.

Platform Extensions

We are living in a innovational era. So, whenever you need any innovation or found any idea we can work on them to get you results.

Ready to take your business online?

Our Vision

Contact info

C-28/A, Sector 1, Devendra Nagar, Raipur – 492001

+91 – 8085255574

© 2021 All rights are reserved
SchoolOn Education Technology Pvt. Ltd.